ISL Pandemic Procedure and Level Outline

Living with Purpose will ensure the safety of their Individuals Served and Staff.  To do so, this document outlines 4 Levels of severity and the procedures that coincide with each level.  The level at which an ISL is currently operating at is based on the prerequisites listed.  Some procedures are in place regardless the level.

At all Levels during Pandemic:

  • Frequent handwashing is a must! Wash hands throughout the day, before you leave the home, and once you return. Wash hands while out in public.
  • Masks should be worn when entering the ISLs. Temperature checks and Access Forms will be completed immediately upon entering. Temperatures higher than 100.4 degrees should be reported to the office and the person should go to a nearby testing facility.
  • Cross contamination of staff should not occur when possible. Staff should not work in multiple ISLs unless there is an emergency and the office specifically requests this be done.
  • Social distancing (6 feet away) should occur, unless necessary for client care (mask and other PPE available).
  • All staff should follow strict sanitation guidelines. Continue to clean and sanitize your home. Each home should have a cleaning checklist and appropriate EPA-registered disinfectants. Remember forgotten surfaces.
  • Follow all DMH and CDC guidelines for working with individuals during a pandemic. When in doubt contact your immediate supervisor and always err on the side of caution.


Least Restrictive

Prerequisite: Living with Purpose has initiated pandemic protocols.
  • The ISL should avoid unnecessary visitors.
  • PPE is not required in the ISL but is recommended.
  • Avoid groups of 10 or more.
  • Staff and Individuals served can go on community outings but must use caution and minimize gatherings where social distancing is not practiced. Mask and gloves are recommended.
  • Staff members and individuals served should avoid going to sit-down restaurants, movie theaters, sports stadiums, gyms, and churches if social distancing is not being practiced. Indoor or yard activities should be included in the activity schedule.

Level lowers and pandemic procedures end when Living with Purpose lifts pandemic protocols.


Prerequisite: “Shelter in Place” initiated.
  • ISL will shelter in place.
  • PPE is not required at all times in the ISL. Mask and gloves are recommended.  PPE should be worn while providing care in close proximities (less than 6 feet).
  • Limit all non-essential travel except for doctor appointment and household essentials. Staff members and Individuals served should wear mask and gloves while out in the community. Outings should be limited to parks, car rides, and neighborhood walks.
  • The ISL should avoid unnecessary visitors. Management should be notified of any intending visitors and the reason.

Level lowers when “Shelter in Place” has been lifted.


Prerequisite: Individual has been relocated due to roommate testing positive.
  • ISL will shelter in place.
  • Individuals that have tested negative/positive may be relocated to an ISL with other negative/positive cases to isolate and reduce the spread of the virus.
    • When able Guardians will be asked for permission to change living arrangements for the individual served. This includes emergency placement within Parental homes.
  • Limit non-essential travel to a designated staff. Individuals Served will not travel unless it is an emergency.
  • The ISL should have no visitors with the exception of Guardians. Management should be notified of any intending visitors and the reason.
  • Social distancing should occur inside of the ISL and all staff should follow strict sanitation guidelines. The home has a cleaning checklist and appropriate EPA-registered disinfectants.
  • PPE (mask and gloves) is required for staff at all times in the ISL.
  • Staffing pattern may change and hours adjusted to limit exposure.

Level lowers when the individual has been in quarantine for 14 days and/or tested negative twice after initial exposure.


Prerequisites: Individual served has tested positive (with or without symptoms).
  • ISL will shelter in place.
  • Individuals that have tested negative/positive may be relocated to an ISL with other negative/positive cases to isolate and reduce the spread of the virus.
    • When able Guardians will be asked for permission to change living arrangements for the individual served. This includes emergency placement within Parental homes.
  • The ISL will have no visitors (family, case-management, and guardians included).
  • No travel unless it is an emergency. When able, the office will provide the home with necessary food and supplies to limit community outings.
  • PPE is required by staff at all times. Masks, gloves, face shields, gowns, shoe covers, and goggles are provided to the ISL. Individual served wears mask while interacting with staff.
  • Staffing pattern may change and hours adjusted to limit exposure.
  • Follow all DMH and CDC guidelines for working with individuals that have tested positive.

Level lowers when the individual has been in quarantine for 14 days, tested negative twice (tests 24 hours apart), and an “all clear” from Health Department.